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LHUT race rules

Lysohorský Ultra Trail




  1. Registration and payment of the entry fee will take place on the website  , in the period from 2 February 2024 from 9:00 am in the limited limit of the maximum number of participants.

  2. Entry fee for Ultra Trail is CZK 1,690 from 2.2. 2024 to 1.4. 2024, from 2.4. until June 8, 2024 or until sold out CZK 1,790. It is paid by transfer to account number 2301678009/5500.

  3. The paid entry fee is non-refundable, even in the event of a change of date, cancellation, interruption or termination of the race according to paragraph VIII. these rules. The entry fee can only be transferred to another competitor.

  4. The transfer is possible upon a written request to the organizer's e-mail, only until 30 May 2024 free of charge, then only for a fee of CZK 200.

  5. Persons over the age of 16 can register. Persons under the age of 18 must present the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Written consent must include the competitor's initials, the purpose for which the consent is written, who provides the consent and the relationship between the competitor and the notarized signature. The legal guardian or parent takes full responsibility for the minor. The age on the day of the race is always decisive.

  6. Only competitors registered on the official website of the race can enter the race  who have a duly paid entry fee and are marked with an ID chip, a colored bracelet and the start number located in the front in a visible place.

  7. Every registered person who pays the entry fee properly will receive an email generated barcode with a 20% discount on a one-time purchase of DYNAFIT brand goods at the Rock Point store in OC Nová Karolina. After submitting the code, the discount can be applied from February 2, 2024  to 30. 6. 2024.

  8. Doping control may be carried out in cooperation with accredited commissioners. In this case, it is the athlete's responsibility to cooperate fully with the commissioners. Refusal to submit to a check is considered a positive test result. It is the responsibility of the doping commissioners at the Czech Championships to control the first five competitors and several randomly selected from the starting field. More information on doping  control and prohibited substances can be found on the official website of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Czech Republic.

II. Competition categories and prizes

Category Ultra Trail

A  to and including 39 years, men, women

B 40 - 49 years  men women

C 50 + men, women

The age on the day of the race is always decisive.



The three best in each category who receive material prizes will always be rewarded.  

Announcement of the TOP 10


The first three men and women in absolute order in the Ultra Trail will receive a cash prize.


  1. instead of CZK 10,000

  2. place  CZK 5,000

  3. place  CZK 2,000

III. Movement on the track


  1. Each participant moves along the marked route of the race according to the map or GPS navigation with the recorded track

  2. Each participant is obliged to attach his / her chip at the time trial to record the passage through Lysá hora

  3. Each participant is obliged to go through the entire route and all checkpoints. Some places on the route will be checked without being recorded by a chip.

  4. Failure to pass the checkpoint will result in disqualification from the race.

  5. In co-operation with nature conservationists, the exact movement of the marked path will be checked so that the route is not shortened.

  6. If a competitor gets out of the way, he must return  to the last found race mark and continue on the correct route.

  7. If it is necessary to provide first aid to another competitor, they must do so immediately and further notify the organizer on the security telephone number.

  8. Each participant is obliged to take their waste with them and throw it away either at the refreshment station or at the finish. Any violation of the rules will result in disqualification.

  9. Each participant is obliged to comply with the basic rules for visitors to the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area (Beskydy Protected Landscape Area), which are set out in Section 26 of Act 114/92 Coll. on nature and landscape protection and to respect the prohibitions that apply in reservations according to § 29 (NPR) and 34 (PR) - EXCERPT FROM THESE RULES


IV. Support in the race, sticks


1. The organizer allows support in the race only in the place of the refreshment station at the top of Lysá hora, within a radius of not more than 100 m. minutes to its target time. The only exceptions are cases where it is necessary to provide the competitor with first aid.


2. The organizer allows the use of trekking or running poles throughout the race. If the competitor wants to use the clubs, he must do so from the start to the finish. It is forbidden to put down or take over the poles during the race only for a part or parts of the track.

If they eventually break the sticks, they must still bring them to the finish line. If a competitor is found to have or use sticks for only part of the race, he will be penalized by adding 60 minutes to his finish time.


3. Support by any means of transport or animal is prohibited. It is allowed to use only your own forces to move on the track without any help.


V. Mandatory and recommended equipment


To ensure the safety of the competitor, the following equipment is mandatory:


1. Charged fully functional mobile phone

2. water cup, water bag or soft bottle

3. a bag or cloth bag to refill solid foods at the snack bar

This equipment will be randomly checked during and after the race by the organizer.


The organizer also recommends the following optional equipment:

1. NRC alufolia

  2. patches, bandages, Vaseline

3. In case of rain, replace dry clothes


VI. General rules


By registering, paying the entry fee and entering the race, the race participant declares that:

1. Has the required knowledge of sport in the selected discipline and confirms that he is physically and mentally fit to participate in this discipline. (The participant takes note of the organizer's recommendation to undergo an individual medical examination before the race!)

2. Is aware that the organizer is only responsible for permission to use the competition venue, especially the start, finish, marked routes, but is not responsible and does not provide any guarantee for the condition of the tracks, their function or specific conditions of the competition given by weather or alpine peculiarities. If it is necessary to use a public road, road or other traffic area during the race, the participant acknowledges that the rules of the road must be observed on such roads.

3. Is aware of the consequences of his participation in the race at his own risk and risk, in particular that he is not entitled to claim financial compensation from the organizer or to assert other claims in case of any injury or other damage suffered by the participant in connection with participation in the race.

4. Acknowledges that the organizer does not take responsibility for damage to the participant's deferred items during the competition, unless they are taken into custody by the organizer against written confirmation, and only in the designated areas - in the premises of the hotel KAM in Malenovice.

5. He is informed that no special insurance has been taken out by the organizer to compensate the participant in connection with the participation in the competition.  

6. Takes note of the obligation to participate in the pre-race briefing, where he will be informed about the course of the race, the current weather, as well as other related dangers, and therefore participation in the race depends only on the discretion of the participant.

7. The competitor takes note of the organizers' recommendation to take out their own accident insurance.

8. He does not suffer from any serious illness or disease.

9. He starts in this race solely at his own risk, responsibility and personal risk. The organizer is not responsible for the health and life of the competitor during the entire LHUT sporting event, nor during any training and accompanying events.

10. Agrees that his participation and sporting performance in the race be recorded by the organizer or a person authorized by the organizer, provided that the participant authorizes the organizer of the race to have audiovisual recordings or photographs taken before, during and after the LHUT sporting event used by a third party designated in all the ways specified in § 12 par. 4 of the Copyright Act for the purpose of presenting this race, without any right of the participant to a reward.
11. Acknowledges that before, during and after the race, no one is entitled to photograph, videotape or otherwise record the course of the sports competition without the prior consent of the organizer and proper accreditation, except for recording for their own purposes and needs.
12. Agrees with the observance of branding at the places specified by the organizer or within his person, sports equipment, accessories. It is forbidden to overlap the organizer's advertising signs.


VII. Doping control

  1. Doping control may be carried out in cooperation with accredited commissioners. In this case, it is the athlete's responsibility to cooperate fully with the commissioners. Refusal to submit to a check is considered a positive test result. It is the responsibility of the doping commissioners at the Czech Championships to control the first five competitors and several randomly selected from the starting field. More information on doping  control and prohibited substances can be found on the official website of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Czech Republic.

VIII. Other provisions

1. The organizer is not responsible for any loss or theft of movables in the tent town.

2. The organizer reserves the right to change the date, cancel, interrupt or terminate the race due to a sudden change in weather or other unforeseen circumstances that could endanger the health of the participants.  

3. When organizing this mass event, the organizer will accept the systemic measures of the Security Council of the state, the region, the Regional Hygiene Station MSK and all components of the rescue system in connection with a possible epidemiological situation. Failure to follow the organizer's instructions regarding hygiene regulations throughout the event may result in a ban on participation in the race or, depending on the severity, disqualification of the competitor during and after the race.

IX. Protests

  1. Protests are submitted within 30 minutes after the posting of the preliminary results in writing in the hands of the organizer or a member of the jury together with a fee of 500 CZK. If the protest is accepted, the fee will be refunded.

  2. The time and place of posting the results is listed in the race schedule.

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